I am getting ready to print and assemble this clock (and maybe some of the other electric clocks too!).
I purchased a bunch of the required parts (CNC from aliexpress, this one I planned to go next to my bed so I ordered the 0.9 steppers (17HS4401S-0.9), they seem to fit all the requirements.
I've already printed SP7 and posted in my Mini Factory, that is a beautiful clock which now sits at my nanna's house. I overcame double clicking by putting a small weight on the static Pawl, however retrospectively I don't think my second hand was solid so that may have resolved the double clicks as well.
The wiring diagram is very useful, however I wonder if there is a clear picture of the back of the CNC Shield V4 that would be easier to replicate? The technical explanation is useful but a bit over my head.
I also assume the 0.9 steppers will be fine for the SP6? I notice that other forum posts mention that the design was for the cheaper 1.8 degree steppers, however the ones I got were cheaper than the 1.6 degree ones in Aus.
Excited to build! I am planning on a Galaxy Black clone for the frame, and silver silk (Sunlu) for the cogs.
So I managed to get the parts and assemble today.
One of my TMC2208's don't work, and the other two have to be turned right up on the potentiometer to work, and once it works the stepper emits a sort of ghostly noise that is a little annoying.
I got the TMC2208's on AliExpress for $4.55 each, so I don't know if it's just poor quality ones. I will source some more elsewhere. Apart from that and some poor quality ironing on the front face I am very happy with how the clock looks!
I have to say the jumper locations confused the hell out of me as there is no clear picture to align with how the jumpers work, I kept reading it as binary and not literal physical locations.
The pictures in the assembly guide or the addendum should be clear enough to create the controller using the CNC Shield V4. I am away for a few days and can take better pictures when I get back if you need them.
SP6 is incredibly quiet with 1.8 degree motors. Only the extra gears in the crazy gear clocks benefit from the 0.9 degree motors. The default algorithm only has jumper settings for SP6 with 1.8 degree motors. It would need some slight modifications to work with 0.9 degree motors. I can help with a modified algorithm if needed.