Hi Steve, will you please once and for all set me straight and educate me on parameters. In several of your manuals you say print at 5 parameters. I still fully never understood what five parameters were. I was always setting in what Bambu Studio has as 5 wall loops as they call it not sure what perusa a or orca slicer calls it. So I'm sending you two pictures from bambu Studio of the settings that I use when you mention to use by perimeters. Am I setting this right or am I not understanding what 5 Perimeters are or even what a perimeter is. I read about this but still can't seem to have it sink in. My 70 year old mind goes on vacation a lot lol... I have to write notes all the time and just have them paste it all over the computer screen. So please just tell me what the two pictures I've sent you is this what you mean by five parameters.

That setting is the number of outer wall layers. PrusaSlicer calls it "Perimeters". It appears that other slicers give different names, such as "Wall Loops" or "Wall Line Count". I had no idea that there were so many different synonyms in different slicers. They all mean the same thing.
Different clock designs specify a different number of outer walls for the gears. The manual for each clock will specify the best value. Or look at the slicer to see what the gears look like.
The frame is usually specified to use 4 outer walls for higher strength.