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Thomas Frank
Oct 22, 2022
In Show and Tell
Hi Steve and all fellow clock builders, I built this 32day EasyBuild clock some month ago. It was -> print -> assemble -> put on the wall and it just works. No tinkering, no debugging, nearly boring ;) As I had printed some other designs before (not from Steve) and had not much success with them. I used the PLA I had on hand (because of the failures before), but I think these simple colors fit this clock quite good. I just have to find a spot in my house where I can put this beautiful piece of art. My wife likes the clock very much, but she does not like it to tick...tock... all day long in the living room.... and.... next on my bench is the magnetic pendulum clock. Electronics arrived some days ago and as you can see the printer is already busy.... happy clock printing, Thomas
32 Day easy build - Ticks like a champ ;) content media

Thomas Frank

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